You are being particularly condescending to ‘conspiracy theorists’. In many cases agencies like the CIA reframe an issue as a ‘conspiracy theory’ in order to control the narrative. This is part of the ‘manufacturing consent’ that the media and government engage in.
The truth is we live in a ‘society of control’ as Derrida calls it. People may not understand how this control is structured, or who is pulling the strings, but they can deduce accurately that they are being controlled and manipulated. When someone is lying to you it may be impossible to discover the truth, but it is very easy to understand one is being lied to.
We have been so lied to in the last few years that you would have to been truly crazy to believe all the lies. This has caused a complete distrust in institutions. This distrust will eventually lead to the fall of United States and perhaps many Western countries as people just don’t believe in their leaders. I see the West going the way of the former Soviet Union as public distrust in institutions leads to a complete collapse in government.