Yes, I know you are a professor of philosophy. That is what is so ironic. I believe that Modernity has fragmented knowledge to such a degree that it is impossible to create ‘meaning’. Postmodernity is an attempt to point out this fact and come to some resolution.
Specifically to astrology; I read the book ‘Harmonics in Astrology’ by John Addey, and I realized astrology was based on a long forgotten science of harmonics. The Greeks actually had a science of harmonics that is now lost to us. For example, they used ‘sounding pots’ in amphitheaters to increase the sound from the stage to the back of the amphitheater. How this works we don’t know. If you look at the geometry of a Roman amphitheater it is the same geometry as an astrological chart. So my belief is that astrology is actually the ‘hiding’ of the ancient science of harmonics in plain view.
How much of our science today has devolved into religious belief? People are using Quantum theory to explain spiritual experiences! Is Quantum theory a pseudoscience?
In ancient Greek times there wasn’t any absolute ‘truth’ as we see in science today. Trying to reframe the history of knowledge in Modern terms (like Popper’s pseudoscience) doesn’t help understand knowledge or history. It actually makes historical knowledge inaccessible to us.