Unfortunately you are thinking about the problem ‘objectively’, i.e. using scientific maps and metrics. This is a good starting point, but does not get to a solution. The problem is mass production or “over-production” as I call it. This leads to over-consumption. These are not scientific problems but rather how society is organized and controlled. ‘Science’ cannot solve these problems. They can make us more ‘productive’ and less consumptive, but cannot address the issue of over-production. We need to rethink over-production as a system of organizing society (capitalism is organized around ‘surplus-value’).
As an architect I am concerned with redesigning cities to be more ‘sustainable’. All sectors of ‘production’ need to be redesigned; transportation, energy, the built environment, agriculture, etc… . Thinking scientifically doesn’t get you to solutions for over-production. Modern mass production needs to be rethought from a ‘sustainable’ point of view.