To understand "systemic racism" one needs to understand the concept of "power" as it is used in CRT and Critical Theory. Power is society's control over individuals and groups. This is accomplished through 'disciplining' their behavior. The system of controls and discipline is accomplished through laws, economic restrictions and incentives, and public observation of behavior. It is also done through the control of subconscious beliefs of the individual.
People have two options; conform to power, or resist power. In other words people have free will. If power is structured for the individual or group benefit people will usually conform. When power is structured against the individual or group they can choose to conform or resist. The civil rights movement of the 1960s is a good example of people resisting power, and thus changing the laws and social standards of society.
The "Lie of Systemic Racism" that is advanced today is that it is not 'Power' that is causing systemic racism, it is people's prejudice. This lie works in the service of Power. Instead of trying to change the laws and social institutions by resisting power, people are tricked into thinking other people's behavior is to blame. One group fights with another group instead of resisting the power structure.
The trick of the 'white liberal' (as Malcolm X uses the term) is to make Black people conform to white power instead of resisting it. Black people are being tricked into thinking 'racism' exists in the hearts and minds of individuals, and is not a product of the system. Thus they have no way of resisting power.