There are a couple of issues with postcapitalism. First is intellectual property. Corporations own all intellectual property, and it will get worse in the coming years. Covid has taught corporations the model for future healthcare: create biotech where they can rewrite cell information. All healthcare will become intellectual property as well as your genetic code. Already, you are using platforms owned and operated by corporations that own the intellectual property: Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc… . There is little one will do in daily life that a corporation won’t own the intellectual property for. This is hypercapitalism, not postcapitalism.
Second. I think you are mixing up postcapitalism with postindustrialization. We are definitely headed for a postindustrial economy. This will be an economy focused on advanced technology, media, information, banking, biotech, etc… . This will bring about a lot of the good (and bad) things you talk about. But it doesn’t mean this stuff will be postcapitalist, or ‘free’.
Lastly, there has always been an elite in society that tries to control the masses. All of history is based on this struggle. There may be more or less fair economic systems, but in the end the elite always ‘come out on top’. Unless there is a plan to suppress this tendency in society, it will always occur.