The problem is that solar and wind are just not enough to provide a complete solution. Maybe for buildings and infrastructure, but not for electric cars and transportation.
California, the greenest state, by law must eliminate fossil fuel production by 2045. It must also by law eliminate all gas powered cars and trucks by 2035, in 13 years. Currently, over 15,000 million gallons of gas are produced in a year. This supports the transportation sector.
I did some back of the envelop math for how much power would be needed (since I couldn't find any figures on it) and it turns out currently California produces 26 gw of power a year from solar and wind. Electric cars would require over 516 gw of power a year (based on calculating the amount of gas that is produced currently). That is 20 times as large as we currently have. Imagine 20 times the electrical lines, batteries, transformers, etc... . All built in 13 years!
California can't even bring its electrical lines up to code to stop forest fires, never mind build 20 times more grid capacity.
So the only problem with solar and wind is math.