Saying the problem with capitalism is billionaires is like saying the problem with social media is Kim Kardasian. There are much bigger problems with capitalism than just wealth inequality.
The overall problem is that capitalism over-produces and we are required to over-consume. This causes huge problems from climate change to the opiod crisis.
The second huge problem with capitalism is 'uneven development' where by rich capitalist countries use poor countries as colonies and extract natural resources and cheap labor while never allowing the poor countries to ever gain 'capital' and wealth.
Capitalism isn't dead, it is evolving into a new form of 'captured capitalism' where it captures the governement, healthcare, war, all intellectual property, and now housing.... etc.... Some say this is a new feudalism, or state capitalism, or corporatism, or even fascism, but I think we need a new word for this state of 'captured capitalism'.