Interesting. Thanks for posting this. I don’t believe the ‘expert’ narratives, but it is interesting to see where they come from.
The ‘fake left’ has been painting the ‘far-right’ as conspiracy theorists and now victims. What has actually happened is the Democrats have stopped being the party of the working class and have now become the party of the professional or technical class. As such they are trying to paint the working class as far-right. The working class (previously the Middle Class) have lost their affiliation with the Democratic Party, and are now ‘homeless’. This is creating huge populism on the left and right.
It is not a conspiracy theory or victim identity to think that the professional class is trying to actively shut down the voices of the working class. The far-right is not the ‘in-group’, rather it is the suppressed working class. The professional class is now the in-group and controls the Democratic Party and Republican RINOS.
All of this is Marxism 101, based on class struggle. But what is interesting is how the Democratic Party has flipped in recent years leaving so many confused. I think the inflection point was Bernie Sanders losing to Hilary. This is when the professional class captured the Democratic Party.