I think you are missing the big picture with the 'fake Left' concept. The Left painted itself into an intellectual corner it cannot get out of. In order to implement social justice and protect the environment it needs big government. To protect countries around the world it needs a big military and endless wars. It needs right-wing powers structures to implement its goals. This is antithetical to left-wing power structures. This has created a cognitive dissonance within the Left. They can achieve their goals only by becoming right-wing authoritarians, or they can fight against authoritarianism and lose the battle for social justice, environment, free speech, etc.... There is simply no path forward for the 'true left'. At best, it can simply be an impotent critique of power structures. At worse, the 'fake-Left' could become more authoritarian than the Right.
The Left is like the hero of the story that has become so focused on power and winning at any cost, they become the evil villain. In this way, the Left (fake and real) have become evil.