I think using the word 'capitalism' distracts from the actual phenomena. It is an industrial economy fighting against a postindustrial economy. Postindustrial economies push their industrial production to 'developing' countries while keeping capital and intellectual property in their country. This creates a phenomena called 'unequal development', where the postindustrial economy must dominate and control the industrial ones. It is a form of economic colonialism.
There are many in the postindustrial economy that believe it is the highest stage of social evolution and thus better than industrial and pre-industrial economies. But this just creates more of a perceived right for the postindustrial econony to dominate the industrial ones.
In order to stop uneven development, colonialism, and war, the postindustrial economy needs to stop shipping their industrial manufacturing (including oil production) to other countries. The United States could be a stable country with both industrial and postindustrial manufacturing, but it has chosen the path of uneven development.
When countries and states like Germany and California say they are stopping all fossil fuel production this means they will be shipping this industrial production to 'developing' countries and states creating more uneven development and war.