I remember being the Army many years ago, and the Southerners hated the Northerners (like me). Not really understanding the Civil War and the history of the South I could not really understand why Southerners still hated Northerners to this day. The South was destroyed after the war and never really recovered economically. I think poor disenfranchised white Southerners took out their hatred of the North on Blacks and this is what has continued this racial tension to this day.
I’m seeing all this commentary on January 6th by tone deaf liberals, who have become the new ‘North’. There are a lot of disenfranchised poor and rural ‘Southerns’ in this country that Trump appealed to. Instead of ostracizing them, we need to understand how they have been disenfranchised and try to pull them back into the main stream. I think the Democrats by pushing these folks out of the party are setting up a new North/South struggle in the U.S. . It is a way to distract against the war on the working class that has taken place in the last 20+ years.