I must disagree with this premise. Blaming people for being lazy thinkers is a false assumption. There are a lot of deep thinkers who are unable to make sense of the modern world.
As Daniel Schmachtenberger has made a career of saying; our information ecosystem is broken, and as a result we cannot 'sense-make' around important issues. This is incredibly dangerous as we need to solve very pressing problems. This is due to a lot of issues, but I think most important is we are fed highly technical information which we cannot put into context. We think because we are experts in our specialized field of expertise that we can understand other equally technical fields. This assumption is false.
As an example, could you explain how water gets to your faucet? Where does the water go after you flush the toilet? Most of our 'deep thinkers' can't answer simple questions like these. If you can't understand how simple systems like tap water work, how could you possibly understand far more technical information ecosystems? Yet, everyday we are bombarded by thousands of complex information systems we must navigate. You can think slowly about where your sh!t goes, or you can be lazy and not think about it, but either way you just don't know sh!t.