I live in the San Francisco bay area, where there is the greatest wealth inequality in the United States. The local and the state government is entirely controlled by Democrats. Do we have universal healthcare? No. Is student debt being canceled, or free instate tuition? No. Have we adopted the 'New Green Deal'? No. These are all Democratic demands that our leadership refuses to give to the people. The Democratic party has been captured by corporations and no longer serves the people. Instead of talking about economic inequalities, Democrats have shifted their narratives to the 'culture wars', stopping any critical dialog about real issues. Blame the Republicans, but don't look critically in the mirror.
Segregation in the U.S. is being perpetuated by economic means. The U.S. is being segregated by wealth, and as wealth inequality increase so too is 'racial' inequality. This creates economic ghettos in cities. Historically segregation was written into the laws (redlining for example). But today these laws have been removed and segregation is entirely economic.
CRT is not being taught in public schools, but does 'trickle down' in the form of concepts and belief systems. "White People", "White Privilege" and other concepts become part of social narrative.
I'm not saying there is not racism, or inequality, I am saying in order to solve a problem you have to correctly define the problem. Here the problem is economic inequality.