I don't think this traditional type of political analysis is useful anymore. There are huge shifts in the political landscape and the old concepts just don't apply.
Trump is a 1980s style Democrat. Pre-Clinton and NAFTA, he wants to 'make America great again' by returning to a utopian 1980s. Clinton destroyed the American middle class by outsourcing jobs. Biden is now 'in sourcing' by having immigrants take American working class jobs. The reality is the Democratic party has been one of outsourcing and in-sourcing to destroy middle and working class jobs for decades. This fact has created a demographic shift where working class people are moving right to Trump. Their values are not traditional conservative, they just want to maintain a middle class lifestyle.
Having no excuse why they would destroy their middle and working class base, the Democrats have been attacking Trump's MAGA, as 'deplorables', xenophobic, fascist, populist, etc... . The Democratic party needs to recognize the path they have followed since Clinton is one of class warfare against their middle and working class base. They need to address the hollowing out of the middle class and try to win them back, or they will move to the MAGA movement. This election cycle will determine if the Republicans can win over the middle class.