I don't think this is a very 'philosophical' analysis of right/left. It is more a discussion of Power.
The separation of the Right and Left used to be a conservative versus a progressive view on American principles: democracy, rule of law, freedom, written social contracts, etc... Conserviatives would go back to the founding fathers to interpret these principles. Progressives would see the need to reinterprete these ideas. I think this has changed in recent years.
Today, Democrats have abandoned working class people and instead have taken on Postmodern values and beliefs. I used to think the Republicans were advocating for Modernist values like capitalism and individuality, but Regan and Trump are also highly Postmodern politicians. So in philisophical terms we have a Postmodern party and a Modernist party that flirts with Postmodernism. This focus on Postmodernity in politics has produced a 'spectacle society' concerned with image and appearance more than anything real.