CRT comes from Critical Theory which comes from the Frankfort School of social theory. I describe it as 'Postmodern' theory, but it can also be described as 'Cultural Marxism' (by conservatives).
The main idea is that society is structured through power relations, with their being being oppressors and and the oppressed. This is a combination of three different theories that link together: 1. Marxism, 2. Freudian psychology, and 3. Foucault's ideas of a 'disciplined' society. All structure society around 'power'.
CRT posits that 'power' is structured around 'race'. The solutions to this inequity is that race should dictate a restructuring of power by changing the government through laws and social programs.
There certainly are race issues, but I posit the structure of power is not based on race but actually wealth. To fix social injustice, one needs to focus on wealth inequality not race.
Those in power have used race as a wedge issue to separate the working class POC from working class whites to make them fight against each other. Imagine if they worked together?
For this reason, I think CRT is promoted by privileged white academia. It serves their class interests to make the working class fight each other over government social programs.