Critical Race Theory is based on Critical Theory which is a form of Postmodernism based on the Frankfurt School, which comes from European Marxism. In CRT the struggle between the working class and the capitalists is replaced with the struggle between Blacks and Whites. To get to this level of abstract intellectualism, actual history is often ignored. 'White' race is not a monolithic thing like it is painted in CRT. Neither is 'White Privilege' . Very few Europeans had any 'Privilege'. Like other forms of Postmodernism, CRT is very ironic. It is a theory developed by White European Marxist intellectuals, to explain how 'White' people have privilege. If it wasn't so sad it would be funny.
I feel bad for African Americans as the Civil Rights struggle that they fought so hard for has been co-opted by White liberal intellectuals pushing Critical Theory. As Malcom X said; "The white liberal differs from the white conservative in one way. The liberal is more deceitful and hypocritical than the conservatives. Both want power. But, the white liberal has perfected the art of posing as the negro’s friend and benefactor."
Are there real issues around race, segregation, and economic privilege? Absolutely. But I think the Democrates use race to obsure the fact they have done nothing to fix wealth inequality in the United States. This is the real problem of the African American community.