Classifying astrology as a 'pseudoscience' means you don't understand philosophy or the history of knowledge.
Astrology exposes us to a world view that existed for more than 3,000 years that people exist in an ecosystem both cosmic and natural. Today we don't believe we live in harmony with the natural world, and we actively seek to control and destroy it. This is a problem with modern science and philosophy.
Up until the 1500s science was called 'natural philosophy'. Due to pressure from the Catholic church (Spanish Inquisition, Galileo, etc..) knowledge was split into two; materialism, and spiritualism. The church claimed sole ownership of spiritual matters, while scientists and their patrons could study material phenomena. This is the break that caused the separation between astrology and astronomy.
This 'break' in knowledge actually broke philosophy and science. Science became materialistic and atomistic where previously it existed in a complex structural web of forces.
Instead of criticizing astrology as 'pseudoscience' it is better to focus on how the split between astrology and astronomy broke modern knowledge, and what can we do to fix it.