Barack Obama just posted a speech on Medium a few days ago on how 'disinformation' was destroying 'democracy'. He brought up 'democracy' again and again as the rallying cry on why tech companies should censor speech online.
Unfortunately capitalism has already captured the democratic process. Obama makes us think it can be solved if the government just regulates the tech companies, ignoring the fact that capitalism has captured the regulators.
Electing, or not electing government officials, in Canada, will not bring democracy back. Its too late. The government has been captured.
I think the only way to have a government by the people, is to have a 'jury selection' style process where people must serve the government for a few years sometime in their careers. This would not be base on 'voters', but just a blind selection process like jury duty. Perhaps with a two or four year limit. This would ensure a government by, of, and for the people. We would certainly get some crazy people in office, but no crazier than our current politicians.