At some point the Democratic party stopped being about the working class and instead became the party of college educated white collar professionals. Their policies shifted from helping the working class, to instead waging class warfare on them. This is most pronounced under the Clinton Administration when they shipped working class jobs overseas though NAFTA and other methods. This eventually destroyed unions. Hilary Clinton too famously wanted to have coal miners quit their jobs and reeducate them to be computer coders.
The working class have learned over time that the Republican party now represents their interests better than Democrats, amazingly enough. Or, with the election of Trump, that neither party represented them, and they just wanted someone to disrupt the system.
What is going on now is class warfare between the professional class and the working class. I grew up in Boston, and this is very reminiscent of class wars between the college educated Protestants, and the working class Irish Catholics. Seems like Democrats have reproduced the Boston class wars on a national scale.